624: Big Changes Week: It's Time to See TV for What It Is, a Waste of Time

Yes, I watch TV.  I am not being sanctimonious.  But I don't watch 5.1 hours a day like most Americans and I definitely watch shows that inspire, that demonstrate the world as a beautiful place.  This week I am starting a week long look at changing your life.  It's my goal to have as many people in the world as I can, understanding calm and purpose.

It's not just for me though, it will move the entire world forward, make it happier.  That's a lofty goal that I love.  Today I tackle one of the biggest drains on energy, positivity and purposefulness: television.

I will talk about why we love it, why we should ditch it and ways to do just that.  If you want to start your life, today is the day.

Links from the Episode:

How I overcame my addiction to TV and regained my life

10 Reason to Stop Watching TV

Does TV Rot Your Brain

Too Much TV Really is Bad For Your Brain


Onnit - Your Best Place to Optimize YourHealth and Performance


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